April 9- May 8, 2011

April 9- May 8, 2011


Opening reception, Saturday April 9th, 6-10 pm

Room 1:

Andrea Ferguson
Human Nature

New Orleans based artist and Front member, Andrea Ferguson presents a series of new works that look into how memory and identity are formed through the constructed mythologies of family photographs.





Room 2:

Cameron Michel and Vashti Windish
Articles of the Lysithean Order

Front of flyer.jpg

Cameron Michel and Vashti Windish bring you a collection of images and traditional costumes of the Lysithean Order, a tribe that lives deep in our solar system on one of the many moons of Jupiter.  The masks and costumes are worn during the ceremonial gathering called Ipcheata which is when a young Lysithean transmutates into its telepathic body.  During Ipcheata, they develop from a humanoid body into orbs of light, which can communicate in visual vibrations.  These glowing exchanges can be seen by the human mind’s eye when in dream states.  

Cameron and Vashti operate Live With Animals, an art space in Brooklyn, NY.  Their gallery houses exhibits by emerging artists, avant-garde performances and many musicians.  Also sharing the love of music, they are presently members of the bands K-holes and Golden Triangle.

Cameron Michel and Vashti Windish live and work together in New York City.  

Jonathan Traviesa
New Photographs

Beacons Abound focuses on my interest in random moments within the built environment that offer some type of intrigue: usually hope, seduction or despair.