November 9- December 8, 2019

November 9- December 8, 2019

The Fall
The Crystal Efemmes (Vanessa Centeno, Robyn LeRoy-Evans, Cristina Molina and Ryn Wilson)

Opening Reception: Saturday, November 9th 2019, with a live performance by Maryam de Capita at 8pm, plus a musical set by Ritual Union. The portal opens at 6pm – please enter through the doorway on Mazant Street.

The Fall is an immersive multimedia installation that re-imagines The Garden of Eden as a site of paradise where the “Fall of Man” never occurred. In this work, The Crystal Efemmes embody the personas of Eve, Lilith, God and the Snake to revise one of the most influential Patriarchal Western Myths of all time. The Fall  proposes a narrative that privileges choice, knowledge, and honors strong femme protagonists. Each room at The Front is designed to reflect four different chapters: 1. Creation: The Red Womb, 2. The Tree of Knowledge: Conversations With a Snake, 3. The Dark Grotto, and 4. The Sunlit Garden. Paradisiacal imagery, fabric installations, whispering water elements, and video projections invite the viewer to consider this new creation story, one where protagonists have the power of agency and can still delight in the abundance of The Garden.

The Crystal Efemmes

The Crystal Efemmes are a quartet of interdisciplinary artists concerned with revisionist histories and feminist agendas. Comprised of visual artists Vanessa Centeno, Robyn LeRoy-Evans, Cristina Molina, and Ryn Wilson, The Crystal Efemmes alliance formed in 2014 after learning their individual artworks shared themes of intersectional feminism, mysticism, body politics, and concerns with the environment. As a collective they create immersive installations that concentrate on retelling myths and histories from a perspective that empowers and honors women. Together and as individuals they have been awarded national and international residencies including the Joan Mitchell Foundation Residency, SALON Arts Council Residency, 'ACE residency Buenos Aires, and AIRIE Everglades. Their works have been exhibited at the New Orleans Museum of Art, The Contemporary Art Center New Orleans, Newcomb Museum, Syros International Film Festival, Kunsthall Stavanger in Norway, and Digital Interactive Artspace in Denmark.